Want our $200M YouTube Ads Strategy PDF? Click Here To Download

Want Our 19 Page PDF On Our $200MM+ YouTube Ad Strategy? Click Here 🚀

Want Our 19 Page PDF On Our $200MM+ YouTube Ad Strategy? Click Here 🚀

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The Secret to Never ‘Failing’ Again

Have you ever poured your heart and soul into a business idea, strategy, or initiative only to watch it fizzle out or fail to gain traction?

Or maybe you’ve been stuck in a cycle of starting and stopping projects, never quite breaking through to the success you envision.

You’re not alone. The path of entrepreneurship is littered with setbacks, challenges, and moments that feel like failure. But what if I told you there was a way to reframe those experiences so that failure becomes impossible?

It all comes down to cultivating an unshakable Entrepreneur’s Mindset – a way of thinking that turns every obstacle into an opportunity and every stumbling block into a stepping stone.

I know this might sound too good to be true, but stick with me. This mindset shift has been a game-changer in my own business journey, and I’ve seen it work wonders for countless clients.

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my Full Hour-long “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Training

You’ll learn how to Re-Frame Failures as “Learning Lessons” that helps you Win

I’ll give you my “Entrepreneur’s Mindset Journal” to help you document your Daily Wins & Learning Lessons so you can Grow

Alright, let’s Dive In…

How to Re-Frame ‘Failures’ as Learning Lessons that Lead to Success

So, what exactly is the Entrepreneur’s Mindset? At its core, it’s a perspective that defines success not by outcomes, but by growth and learning.

In other words, instead of labeling an endeavor a “failure” if it doesn’t meet your initial expectations, you view it as a valuable learning experience that will ultimately move you closer to your goals.

The only true failure, in this mindset, is giving up or failing to failing to learn from a setback. Everything else is simply data and feedback you can use to refine your approach & win the next time.

The Real Measure of Success is How Quickly you can Turn challenges into Breakthroughs and “Failures” into Opportunities.

Easier said than done, I know. So, how can you actually put this mindset into practice? Here are a few key strategies:

1. Reframe “Failure” as Feedback

The next time something doesn’t go as planned in your business, resist the urge to beat yourself up or write it off as a failure. Instead, get curious about what you can learn from the experience.

Ask Yourself:

What worked and what didn’t?

What assumptions did I make that turned out to be false?

What customer objections or market factors did I overlook?

What would I do differently next time?

By mining the experience for insights and lessons, you transform it from a ‘failure’ into a priceless learning opportunity.

You gain knowledge and wisdom you couldn’t have gotten any other way, which you can apply to make your next attempt even stronger.

2. Focus on Your Growth, Not Just Your Goals

Setting ambitious goals for your business is great. But if you stake your entire sense of success and self-worth in achieving those specific outcomes every time, you set yourself up for a lot of unnecessary stress and disappointment.

A more resilient approach is to focus on your growth as an entrepreneur, not just your external achievements.

Make Learning, Stretching Beyond your Comfort Zone, and Becoming the Best Version of Yourself the Ultimate Measure of Success.

Because you know that every challenge you work through is making you a stronger, savvier, more adaptable business owner. And that, more than any one goal achieved, is the true foundation of lasting success.

This turns those “Learning Lessons” into Building Blocks you use to Win long-term.

3. Embrace Challenges as Opportunities to Level Up

In gaming, “leveling up” means acquiring new skills and powers that allow you to take on bigger challenges and reap greater rewards. And that’s a perfect analogy for how to view obstacles in your business.

Every time you come up against a roadblock, a rejection, a “no” or a disappointing outcome, you have a chance to level up your problem-solving skills, your creativity, your resourcefulness and your resilience. You can acquire new tools and talents that prepare you to play at a higher level.

So, instead of shying away from challenges, welcome them as opportunities to become a more capable entrepreneur.

Embrace the chance to test your limits and see how innovative and adaptable you can be. You might be surprised at the new levels of success and impact you can reach by rising to meet each challenge.

4. Keep a Journal with a Learning Log

As you encounter various obstacles and work to extract the lessons, be sure to capture your insights in writing. That way you can stack everything you learn.

Start a “Learning Log” in your Journal where you jot down the key takeaways from each experience, both the wins and the setbacks. (I’ve got a template for this I’ll share a bit later in the email)

Over time, this becomes an invaluable resource you can refer back to when you’re facing new challenges or making new decisions.

It’s a record of your growth and evolution as an entrepreneur and a toolbox full of hard-won wisdom you can apply again and again.

Plus, the very act of writing out your lessons helps to crystallize them in your mind and integrate them more fully.

It’s a way of honoring your journey and acknowledging all the ways you’re becoming a better, more resilient business owner, one experience at a time.

The Entrepreneur’s Mindset is not about ignoring or downplaying challenges.

It’s about reframing them as opportunities for growth and learning. It’s about recognizing that the path to success is not a straight line but a winding road full of valuable lessons and chances to level up.

When you embrace this mindset, you become unstoppable.

No setback can throw you off course for long, because you know how to alchemize it into fuel for your next breakthrough.

No disappointment can crush your confidence because you value your own growth over any external validation.

You become the kind of entrepreneur who sees possibilities where others see dead ends. The kind who dares to take bold risks and dream big dreams because you know that your true success lies in constantly striving and evolving — not in being ‘perfect.’

So the next time you find yourself facing a challenge in your business, take a deep breath and remember: This is not a failure.

This is a chance to learn, grow and level up. This is an opportunity to strengthen your resolve and sharpen your skills.

Embrace the lessons, keep putting one foot in front of the other and trust that every stepping stone, even the wobbly ones, are leading you to exactly where you’re meant to be.

My Entire “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Training:

Watch the Full Training:

This Edition of the Marketing Minds Newsletter is Sponsored By:

How to become a smarter marketer 🧠

If you’re a marketer looking to constantly up your game or a founder who wants to make sure they’re nailing their growth, this is one free resource you absolutely need to be taking advantage of.

Stacked Marketer is the industry insider newsletter that gives marketers an edge over the competition. Covering breaking industry news, tips and tricks for almost every marketing channel including Google, Facebook, Native, SEO, and more.

And did you hear it’s free?

Join 59k+ marketers who read it daily.

The “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Journal

I also want to give you my Entrepreneur’s Mindset Journal as well!

Remember, I shared that one of the Most Important thing is to keep track of your Learning Lessons & create a “Learning Log” – that way you can grow from all of these lessons!

I’ve probably used about half a dozen different journals over the years, but none of them ever felt ‘complete’ with what I was looking for – so I decided to build my own, using the principles I had learned over the years!

That’s where the “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Journal was born!

Here are the Key Elements:

Start your day with Gratitude!

Write down your Goals (big goals & also goals for month/week/day)

List your Top 3 Key Actions & Outcomes that will make the day a Success for you! (Check these Off during the day!)

A Reminder of the “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” to WIN or LEARN

List your Learning Lessons (Your Learning Log)

List your Wins & Achievements

When you take count for all of these things every day it will keep you grounded in your Gratitude & Goals, as well as focused on Key Actions you need to take, finally reflecting on the Learning Lessons & Wins for the day!

Complimentary YouTube Ads Strategy Call!

Are you looking to Scale your Business with YouTube Ads?

I want to invite you to a 1-1 Strategy call with my Team to map out a YouTube Ads & Video Marketing Strategy specifically for your Business!

This is a 20-minute call where we’ll dive into your Business, your Goals & map out a Custom Strategy to help you Achieve them through YouTube!

Fill out the Quick Booking form to Schedule your Strategy Call.

Book Your Complimentary YouTube Ads Strategy Call Today!

More Value Coming Next Friday!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next:

More Free Trainings & Resources — In your Inbox!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

How to be Confident & Charismatic on Camera

Do you feel anxious or self-conscious when you hit the record button?

You’re not alone. I know I felt that way & many entrepreneurs and business owners struggle with fear and insecurity when it comes to being on camera.

But Here’s the Truth: Video is the most powerful tool you have for connecting with your audience, building trust, and ultimately growing your business. If you let your camera-shyness hold you back, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to grow & scale…

The good news is; you CAN overcome your video fears and project authentic confidence on camera.

And in this newsletter, I’m going to share some of my proven strategies to help you do just that!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

You’ll Learn how to be Confident & Charismatic on Camera

I’ll Share my Story of my own Struggles with my Confidence with how I looked on Camera & the Breakthrough I had that Changed Everything

I’ll share a Full Video Training on How to be Confident on Camera

And You’ll learn my #1 Secret to being more Charismatic on Video!

Alright, let’s Dive In…

How to Be Confident On Camera (Even If You’re Terrified)

Have you ever felt that knot of dread in your stomach when you think about going on camera?

Maybe you’ve avoided creating YouTube ads or YouTube videos because you worry about how you’ll look, sound, or what people will think of you.

Believe it or not, I know that feeling all too well.

For years, I let my fear of being judged or coming across as awkward hold me back from using video in my business. I was self-concious about how I looked.

About 6 years ago, I was 50lbs heavier than I am today & I remember filming one of my earlier YouTube Ads & just being really anxious about how I looked in the video…

One of My Early YouTube Ads Featuring Myself – From March 2018

Even though I was the YouTube Ads guy myself, I just couldn’t bring myself to hit publish & run the ad.

But then I remembered the same advice I gave my clients at the time — and I’m going to give you now.

It doesn’t matter what you look like or sound like on camera — All that matters is that you are seen as the Authentic Authority.

So I published the YouTube Ad, and I am so glad that I did, because it was the first ad to generate over a Million Dollars in my Business!

Seriously — the ad I was self-conscious about, was the first ad to propel my business to 7 Figures!

I had also discovered a mindset shift that changed everything for me – and I believe it can help you overcome your own video fears, too.

Here’s the key realization: You’re already much more comfortable and confident on camera than you think.

Think about it – when you FaceTime a good friend or hop on a Zoom call with your team, do you feel anxious and self-conscious? Probably not. In fact, you likely feel quite at ease and able to express yourself naturally.

And guess what? That version of you – the relaxed, authentic, conversational you – is the same person your audience wants to connect with on video.

The problem is; we often psych ourselves out when we think about creating videos for our business.

We put all this pressure on ourselves to be “perfect” or to come across a certain way. We imagine our audience as this scary, judgmental mob waiting to tear apart our every flaw.

But the truth is, your viewers WANT to get to know the real you.

They’re not expecting or demanding some flawless, idealized version of you.

They just want you to show up authentically and share your unique personality, insights and ideas. That’s why you’re the Expert!

When I finally grasped this, it was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

I stopped trying to be someone I’m not on camera and just focused on showing up as myself.

I started treating video creation like I was having a conversation with a good friend – someone I could be totally real and comfortable with.

I let myself just be me, sure, at the time I didn’t look my best, even now that I’m in shape I’m still quite a bit nerdy, and I don’t always say the perfect thing. And you know what?

My audience loved it. They started commenting on how relatable and genuine I seemed, and how much they enjoyed getting to know me as a person.

The more I let go of the need to be “perfect” and just let my true self shine through, the easier and more enjoyable video creation became for me. And the more my audience connected with and responded to my content & ads.

So my challenge to you is this: The next time you’re gearing up to record a video, take a deep breath and imagine you’re just chatting with a close friend or favorite client.

Picture someone who makes you feel totally at ease and accepted for who you are. Then hit record and let yourself speak to that one person, heart-to-heart.

Don’t worry about the hundreds or thousands of other people who might eventually see the video. In that moment, you’re just talking to that one cherished, friendly face.

I think you’ll be amazed at how much more comfortable and confident you feel when you approach video creation this way.

You’ll stop fixating on saying the “perfect” thing or projecting some artificial image, and you’ll start authentically connecting with your audience, human to human.

And that, more than any polished presentation or high production values, is what will truly magnetize viewers to you and your message.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

I’m cheering you on as you embrace your true on-camera charisma!

Watch My Full Training on How to Be Confident On Camera:

Watch the Full Video on YouTube:

This Edition of the Marketing Minds Newsletter is Sponsored By:

Level Up Your Social Media Strategy This April

Master the art of crafting a social strategy. This small group and conversational training from the American Marketing Association equips you with the knowledge to create highly effective content plans and audience engagement strategies. Define your purpose and measure your impact.

Boost Your Engagement; Register Now!

Complimentary YouTube Ads Strategy Call!

Now that you’re Confident on Camera, you know the best way to Scale your Business is with YouTube Ads!

I want to invite you to a 1-1 Strategy call with my Team to map out a YouTube Ads & Video Marketing Strategy specifically for your Business!

This is a 20-minute call where we’ll dive into your Business, your Goals & map out a Custom Strategy to help you Achieve them through YouTube!

Fill out the Quick Booking form to Schedule your Strategy Call.

Book Your Complimentary YouTube Ads Strategy Call Today!

More Value Coming Next Friday!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next:

More Free Trainings & Resources — In your Inbox!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

How I Created an 8 Figure Webinar

After 7 less successful attempts, the 8th Webinar I created became my first Webinar to produce 8 Figures for my business, AdOutreach.

In fact, that webinar was so successful it took me 3 years & 7 more iterations to finally beat its performance. For those 3 Years, I drove the vast majority of my YouTube Ads traffic to that Webinar & it had massive results for my business.

Now, I’m going to give you the Exact Formula & Playbook I used to craft my Best Performing Webinar, Step-by-Step!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my “8 Figure Webinar Training”

As well as a Breakdown of the Top 5 Keys to High Performing Webinars

Alright, let’s Dive In…

The 8-Figure Webinar Formula

If you’re looking to scale your Coaching, Consulting, or Expert

Full 37-Minute Training Video:

Watch the Full Webinar Creation Training:

The 5 Key Steps to a Successful Webinar 🔑 

Step 1: Craft your Webinar Content

Start with a big idea or promise (e.g., “How to use our new Alpha AI strategy to scale your business to 7-8 figures with YouTube Ads”)

Identify your target audience and their pain points (e.g., rising ad costs, inconsistent results)

Outline 3-5 key pillars or steps you’ll teach to help them achieve their desired outcome

Include proof, testimonials, and case studies throughout the webinar

Tell your story and explain why you’re qualified to teach this topic (e.g., share your journey, awards, and client results)

Offer a freebie (e.g., a PDF guide) for attendees who stay until the end

Step 2: Design your Webinar Slides

Create a Webinar that follows a proven structure (e.g., intro, content, close)

Incorporate engaging visuals, illustrations, and stock photos from sites like Adobe Stock

Highlight key points, promises, and benefits throughout the presentation

End with a strong call-to-action (e.g., book a strategy call, purchase a course)

Include a QR code and button linking to your call booking page or course checkout

Step 3: Record your Webinar

Use screen recording software like Camtasia to capture your slides and audio

Use a high-quality microphone like the Blue Yeti for clear audio

Turn on your camera to increase engagement and connection with your audience

Aim for a 45-60 minute webinar packed with value

Step 4: Set up your Webinar Funnel

Upload your recorded webinar to a video hosting platform like Vimeo

Use a webinar platform like WebinarJam or EverWebinar to host your automated webinar

Configure your webinar settings, including:

Three schedule options (top of the hour, 7 PM, 10 AM the next day)

Registration page (use your own design or a pre-built template)

Email notifications (confirmation, reminders, replay)

Dynamic attendee count (e.g., 158)

Live chat disabled, but allow questions via email

Clickable call-to-action buttons at key moments

Create a high-converting registration page using a landing page builder like ClickFunnels

Integrate your webinar platform with your email marketing tool to capture leads

You can get a 14 Day Trial of WebinarJam / EverWebinar using This Link

Step 5: Promote your Webinar

Create YouTube ads to drive traffic to your registration page (see my full tutorial on how this works)

Optimize your ad targeting to reach your ideal audience

Set up tracking and analytics using tools like Google Analytics to measure the performance of your ads and funnel

Retarget registrants and attendees with follow-up ads and emails to increase conversions

Full Tutorial on How to use YouTube Ads to Promote Your Webinar

Level Up Your Social Media Strategy This April

Master the art of crafting a social strategy. This small group and conversational training from the American Marketing Association equips you with the knowledge to create highly effective content plans and audience engagement strategies. Define your purpose and measure your impact.

Boost Your Engagement; Register Now!

Book a Complimentary Video Marketing Discovery Call with my Team!

Are you looking to Capitalize on YouTube Ads & Video Marketing to Scale Your Business & Achieve Your Goals?

I want to invite you to schedule a Complimentary Video Marketing Discovery Call with my Team to map out a YouTube Ads & Video Marketing Strategy 1-1

This is a full 20 Minute call where we’ll dive into your business, your goals & map out a Custom Strategy to help you achieve them through YouTube!

Fill out the Quick Application form to see if you qualify & book your call.

Book Your 1-1 Video Marketing Discovery Call Today – AdOutreach.com/Apply

Remember, Repetition Is Key!

It took me 8 tries to create what became an 8 Figure Webinar for my business & I wasn’t able to beat that control for almost as many webinars afterwards!

What does that mean? Repetition is Key!

While my strategy here is designed to help support you – the best thing you can do is get started, test, optimize & then when you have a winner – scale!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next:

More Free Trainings & Resources — In your Inbox!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

The Alpha-AI YouTube Ads Strategy

Every time I get invited to speak at an event or virtual summit, the biggest topic I get asked to share is our “Alpha-AI” Targeting Strategy for YouTube Ads.

In fact, I’m about to fly out to Phoenix to do a talk & then I’m speaking at Coaching Con next week as well — all around “Alpha-AI” YouTube Ads!

I realized it’s been a little bit since I did a full In-depth Training, so last week, I did an Impromptu Live Webinar & shared some of my YouTube Secrets!

Now, I want to share that with all of you & give you access to the Replay!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my “Alpha-AI YouTube Ad Training” Strategy + Replay!

A Great New AI Software to Check Out!

The Biggest Marketing Mistakes People Make with YouTube Ads!

Alright, let’s Dive In…

The Best YouTube Ad Strategy – “Alpha-AI”

Last week I did an Impromptu training on our updated 2024 “Alpha-AI” YouTube Ads Training Strategy!

This is the Core Strategy that we’re using right now to Maximize the ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) for our clients & our own business.

I Broke the Strategy down Step by Step:

The 3 Keys to a YouTube Value-Ad:



Call to Action

How to Film Your YouTube Value-Ad

Including: The “Video-Blocks” Strategy to Record 24 Ads in the Time it takes to Film 2 ½ Videos

How the Alpha-AI Targeting Strategy Works

The Core Audience Targeting options on YouTube:

Custom Interests & Purchase Intentions Audience

In-Market Audiences

Life Events

Detailed Demographics


Custom Google Search Intent Audiences

App Audiences

URL Audiences

How to Optimize Your YouTube Ads for Maximum ROAS

How to Scale Your YouTube Ads using “The Tree Scaling” Method

And More!

The Full Replay is Available using the Link & Button Below!

The Alpha-AI YouTube Ad Strategy Replay

Watch the Full Alpha-AI Training Replay:

Boost Your Marketing Performance with Anyword

Even the largest AI models don’t know what works for your marketing. They don’t know your brand, audience, or what resonates. Anyword does.

Trusted by over 1M+ marketers, Anyword generates optimized content trained on your marketing channels, with predictive performance scoring & insights for any copy, channel, and audience – so you don’t have to guess what content will perform best.

Easily create engaging, on-brand content at scale that boosts marketing performance and achieves team goals.

Try Anyword now!

The Biggest YouTube Ad Mistakes (Podcast)

I recently did a podcast where I shared some of the Biggest YouTube Ad Mistakes to avoid & how to transition campaigns from the old method of content targeting —> to the new method of Alpha-AI YouTube Ads!

In the Podcast, I cover:

The Biggest Mistakes People Make Running YouTube Ads

How to Shift from Content Targeting to Audience-based Targeting

Utilizing Google’s vast First-Party Data to create hyper-targeted ad campaigns (Even after Cookies Go Away)

How to Develop engaging “value ads” that educate and convert viewers into customers

How to Multiply your Ad Variations quickly using a “Building Block” filming approach

How to Supercharge your Targeting with AI-powered KeywordSearch

Q2 Is Almost Here!

It’s almost Q2 & I can’t believe how fast the first quarter of the year has flown by already!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next Week:

More Free Trainings & Resources — In your Inbox!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

How to Prepare for the Cookie Adpocalypse

Google has announced that Third Party Cookies (the little bits of information that track users across websites) will be Blocked from Google Chrome at some point in the Next Year.

This poses a Challenge to Advertisers & Marketers who are currently relying on these types of cookies to Optimize Ads, Track Users & Retarget. That’s why in this Edition of the Marketing Minds Newsletter we’re here with a “Cookie Adpocalypse Survival Guide” Ready to help you not only Survive but Thrive!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my “Cookie Adpocalypse Survival Guide” to Ensure your Ads are Future-Proofed against future changes to 3rd Party Cookies

An Invitation to Film YouTube Ads in a Professional Studio Completely Done-For-You!

& More!

Alright, let’s Dive In…

The Cookie Adpocalypse (And What To Do)

Google has made its stance clear, they are looking to phase out 3rd Party Cookies over the coming Months/Year and as Marketers & Advertisers we need to ensure that we prepare so we aren’t left in the dark.

So, as Entrepreneurs & Marketers, what does this mean? 

It means that we need prepare & ensure that we take specific steps to ensure that we aren’t overly reliant on 3rd party data.

I’ve outlined some of the key steps to take in our New YouTube Video 

Here are some of the Key Components to Preparing Your Ads:

Use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform to store and manage first-party data.

Gather “hidden data” by setting up UTM tracking across your ads.

Use ad attribution software with advanced data modeling and machine learning capabilities.

Foster transparency by clearly outlining how you collect, use, and protect customer data.

Focus on creating a content strategy that delivers transformational value to your audience.

Explore contextual advertising to engage audiences based on their real-time interests and mindsets.

Leverage partnerships, joint ventures, and embedded partnerships to access and leverage other companies’ first-party data.

I break this down more in-depth in my YouTube Video:

How to Survive Google’s Cookie Apocalypse

Done-For-You YouTube Ads (Shot In Studio)

I’m so excited to finally have a solution to your #1 challenge with YouTube ads!

By now, you know that we’re the best in the game at YouTube ads, and while our advertising training and service are the best in the industry, they do have one missing piece…

Filming, Producing & Editing the Actual Ads!

That’s why I’m so excited to partner with my good friend Matt Leitz to provide a Done-for-You ads Service.

If you don’t know Matt, he works with big influencers and software companies like ManyChat to help explode their leads and sales.

Why should you care?

Because Matt is a MASTER at Ad Production & Creation…

And now you can have him and his team create your ads too (for way less than you would expect!)

I’m talking full service too… scripting, filming, production…

In a World class studio, with world class equipment, and most importantly, world class results!

If having your ads done for you AND saving a ton of money sounds interesting to you…

Watch this video I did with Matt right now

I think you’ll find it quite exciting!

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Get YouTube Ads Filmed For You!

P.S. This is a very limited thing, so if you’re serious about finally having awesome ads, check it out now before it’s too late.

AI-Powered Creativity

Instant, polished presentations powered by AI. Impress your audience effortlessly with Gamma. Engage users on any device. Measure engagement, get quick reactions, and collaborate seamlessly.

Try for free.

See You In the Next One!

Hope you’re having a great end to Q1 — Big Things ahead for 2024 & I can’t believe we’re almost a quarter through the year!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next Week:

More Free Trainings & Resources — In your Inbox!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

The PDF Trojan Horse Funnel

One of the best funnels that I am running right now is, believe it or not, a PDF funnel! Yes, what’s old is new again — but this time with a twist!

This isn’t just your Grandpa’s PDF Funnel — it’s a new PDF Funnel that is actually a VSL (Video Sales Letter) funnel in disguise!

And in this Edition of the Marketing Minds Newsletter, I’m going to teach you how it works!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my “Trojan Horse PDF Funnel” Step by Step Training!

Invitation to a Video Discovery Call with our Team

& More!

Alright, let’s Dive In…

The Trojan Horse PDF Funnel

Believe it or not, one of the best funnels for us right now is actually our 2024 YouTube Ad Strategy PDF Funnel 

We’ve had a few iterations of this funnel over time but the basic principle is this:

YouTube Ad → PDF Optin (Simple) → VSL → Book a Call → Application

Now, the reason this works so well is that a PDF is something quick, easy & consumable – which makes it the perfect lead magnet!

In fact, we typically achieve 25-35% optin rates on our PDF Funnels at scale

That being said, the problem with vanilla, cookie-cutter PDF funnels is the fact that they don’t typically do a great job ensuring consumption & people taking action to the next step — which is why many have switched to other funnels.

VSL (Video Sales Letter) funnels on the other hand do a better job of indoctrinating ideal clients & encouraging them to take action.

But what if you could have your cake & eat it too?

Enter: The Trojan Horse PDF Funnel

It’s a PDF on the Front End — which boosts optin rates & then it’s a VSL on the Backend which increases Consumption & leads to more Booked Calls & Sales!

The Best of both worlds!

And I want to break down step-by-step exactly how this works:

Watch the Trojan Horse PDF Training:

Boost Work Productivity With ChatGPT

Dive into the world of AI with our exclusive guide on using ChatGPT at work! Tailored for forward-thinking professionals, this resource is your key to staying ahead. Discover practical applications, efficiency hacks, and innovative strategies using ChatGPT. Whether you’re looking to enhance productivity, automate tasks, or gain a competitive edge, our insights cater to ambitious minds eager to make AI work for them.

Join us and transform your workday with the power of ChatGPT.

Book a Complimentary Video Marketing Discovery Call with my Team!

Are you looking to Capitalize on YouTube Ads & Video Marketing to Scale Your Business & Achieve Your Goals?

I want to invite you to schedule a Complimentary Video Marketing Discovery Call with my Team to map out a YouTube Ads & Video Marketing Strategy 1-1

This is a full 20 Minute call where we’ll dive into your business, your goals & map out a Custom Strategy to help you achieve them through YouTube!

Fill out the Quick Application form to see if you qualify & book your call.

Book Your 1-1 Video Marketing Discovery Call Today – AdOutreach.com/Apply

How I found a Better Way of Digital Marketing (Interview)

I recently did an Interview around what led me to discover a “Better Way of Marketing” using YouTube Ads, at a time when everyone else was using Facebook.

One of my biggest purposes is to help people find a Better Way & Challenge the Status Quo (hello, Steve Jobs!)

In this Interview I break down what Inspired this & Share a Deeper sense of my WHY

See You In the Next One!

I hope you found this Newsletter Valuable! The PDF Trojan Horse is a secret weapon us & our clients have been using & now its a tool in your arsenal!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next Week & in 2024!

More Free Trainings & Resources — In your Inbox!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

Download our Alpha-AI YouTube Ads System PDF Here

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