You may know I’ve helped over 3,000+ Coaches, Consultants & Course Creators use YouTube Ads to Scale through our Hybrid Done-Together Training Program

But What you May Not Know is that I’ve also scaled my own business AdOutreach, by Spending over $7.7 Million on our OWN YouTube Ads (these are not client ads – these are 100% our Ads)

Today I want to share with you everything I’ve learned!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll share what I’ve learned after Spending Over 7.7 Million on YouTube Ads & Helping over 3,000+ Clients

I’ll Share a 15-minute video Breaking down our 2024 YouTube Ad Strategy for Coaches & Consultants

You’ll also get to see some of my Biggest Secrets & Insights on YouTube Ads!

Alright, let’s Dive In…

What I’ve Learned Spending Millions on YouTube Ads

I’ve Spent Over $7.7 Million of My Own Money on YouTube Ads! 🚀

This gives my team & I a Depth & Breadth of Knowledge of YouTube Ads no other company can replicate or even come close to knowing. That’s why we’re always on the Cutting Edge!

The Best Experts are those who have both a Breadth & Depth of Knowledge in their Field.

– Working with 3,000+ Coaches, Consultants & Course Creators to help them Scale their YouTube Ads gives us Breadth – we’ve seen what works best across virtually every high ticket offer category (B2B & B2C)

– Spending Over $7.7 Million on our own YouTube Ads over the last 8 Years also gives us Depth – a Deeper Understanding of Spending on YouTube at a High Level for Ourselves, We use ourselves to try & test EVERYTHING!

This Breadth & Depth creates Mastery – and that Mastery is what we impart to our Clients! That’s the key to our Hybrid DWY Training Program! 💯 

We know how the strategy to help virtually any Coaching or Consulting business scale with YouTube Ads AND we know first-hand what it’s like to scale that spend to Millions of Dollars in Ad Spend with strong ROAS (return on ad spend)

We’ve even developed our own Proprietary AI YouTube Ad Targeting Software to help enable & empower our ad-targeting decisions & those of our clients!

Below I’ll share a Full Video breaking down our 2024 YouTube Ad Strategy!

And, If you’ve been thinking about leveraging the power of YouTube Ads feel free to Schedule a Call with one of our Top YouTube Ads Advisors to map out a custom game-plan & strategy.

A strategy that’s been implemented into thousands of Coaching & Consulting businesses & I’ve personally put $7.7 Million of my own money into it!

10M+ in YouTube Ad Spend Coming up Next – Stay Tuned! 🚀

Watch the Full Video on YouTube:

This Edition of the Marketing Minds Newsletter is Sponsored By:

Content collaboration has never been this easy

Navigating the fast-paced agency world is always a hassle when it comes to efficiency and scaling. That’s why you need the right platform to speed up all your processes.

And Planable is the content collaboration tool that makes teamwork a breeze. You can create, plan, review, and approve all your clients’ content in one place: social media, blogs, newsletters, press releases, briefs — you name it! One workspace for each client.

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The 4 Key Frameworks for YouTube Ads

1️⃣ The YouTube “Value-Ad” Framework

Hook: Capture attention & deter the wrong audience

Educate: Provide 2-5 high-level, valuable tips

Call to Action: Make it simple & show them exactly what to do

2️⃣ Creating an Alpha-AI Targeting Strategy

Combine Google’s AI with custom audience segments

Use “3D Targeting” – the right person, with the ability to invest, and the right message

Layer broad & specific audiences for laser-focused targeting

3️⃣ Optimizing for Success

Don’t just turn campaigns on/off – dive in and “trim the fat”

Keep what’s working, remove what’s not

Combine human strategy with AI for unbeatable “Alpha-AI” results

4️⃣ The Tree Scaling Strategy

Use “The Tree Scaling Method”

Scale up winning campaigns while branching out to similar campaigns

Build a sturdy foundation of multiple successful, scalable campaigns

These are just a few excerpts from the full 15 Minute Training Video I shared above – check that out for all the details!

I’m giving you the exact blueprint to absolutely crush it with YouTube Ads. But knowing the strategy is one thing – executing it is another.

That’s why I’m inviting you to a complimentary 45-minute YouTube Ads Strategy Call with one of my top advisors. We’ll dive deep into your business, diagnose your perfect YouTube Ads strategy, and show you exactly how to implement it for maximum results.

Book your call now at

Whether you become a client or not, this will be the most valuable 45 minutes you spend on your marketing all year – that’s my promise.

To your YouTube Ads Success!


Complimentary YouTube Ads Strategy Call!

Are you looking to Scale your Business with YouTube Ads?

I want to invite you to a 1-1 Strategy call with my Team to map out a YouTube Ads & Video Marketing Strategy specifically for your Business!

This is a 20-minute call where we’ll dive into your Business, your Goals & map out a Custom Strategy to help you Achieve them through YouTube!

Fill out the Quick Booking form to Schedule your Strategy Call.

Book Your Complimentary YouTube Ads Strategy Call Today!

More Value Coming Next Friday!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next:

More Free Trainings & Resources — In your Inbox!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach