I still remember the first time someone told me “Aleric, I see you Everywhere” it was at a marketing conference several years ago & little did I know I’d be getting that greeting a lot more over the coming years!

You see, I had setup what I call the “OmniPresent Retargeting Strategy” for my business — and that meant our ideal clients, once they signed up for our funnel, would be seeing my smiling face for weeks, months & even years!

If you’re reading this Newsletter, chances are you either are currently in my OmniPresent Retargeting sequence or you may have been at one point!

Well, today I am pulling back the curtain & showing you how you too can become OmniPresent & set yourself & your business up with a “Celebrity” “Seen-Everywhere” effect that maximizes your client enrollments & ROAS!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my “OmniPresent Retargeting Strategy” PDF & Video Guide

Special Invitation to Apply for our New Fractional Media Buyer Offer

The 5 Best Types of Retargeting Ads to Use in your Marketing

Alright, let’s Dive In…

The OmniPresent Retargeting Strategy

Picture the OmniPresent Retargeting machine like a gigantic microwave, and all of your leads are popcorn kernels inside of it. As you warm those leads up from every angle, you get them to pop and become clients! 

You probably know the value of your email list, social media profiles, phone call lists, and so on. But one thing that is often overlooked is the value of your retargeting lists.

Why is that? Because it’s an invisible list buried at the back of your ad account that contains all of the people who have opted into your funnels, watched your webinars and VSL, and viewed your site. 

In other words, these people are already interacting with you, but they haven’t taken that next step yet.

Whether you realize it or not, you have a massive opportunity to get in front of them with ads, even though they’re already in your funnel! That makes your retargeting list one of the most valuable assets in your business!

What if you could get in front of every person who has ever shown any interest in your business with more content and more information — leading them to the investment decision?

That’s exactly what you’re going to do with your OmniPresent Retargeting machine. You’re going to constantly warm up those popcorn kernels and get them to pop!

Take a look at all of the leads you have right now. How many of those people have actually become clients? If you’re like most businesses, it’s less than 20 percent. That means 80-90 percent of your leads are just stuck in your funnel somewhere. 

I’m a firm believer that every lead can become a client. It’s only a matter of time, but you can compress that timeframe and make them become clients faster.

How do you do that? By warming them up, increasing the frequency that you reach them with valuable content through your OmniPresent Retargeting machine, so you’re getting in front of them again and again.

We’ve all heard the experts saying that the number of touchpoints it takes to land a client is increasing. At one time, they said it was seven. Then they said it was fourteen. Then twenty-one.

Eventually, I heard some experts saying it takes as many as seventy touchpoints, but recently, I’ve heard it takes over a hundred. Wherever the truth lies, anything you can do to expedite this process is going to help your business grow faster.

The best way to expedite your funnel is to create a machine that retargets people from every angle as they move through the funnel, and that’s exactly what OmniPresent Retargeting does!

I actually made a full 24-page “OmniPresent Retargeting PDF” that walks you step-by-step through exactly how to setup your own OmniPresent Retargeting Machine!

And I want to give it to you completely for free!

Get the OmniPresent Retargeting PDF!

Want One of Our “Fractional Media Buyers” to Run Your YouTube Ads For You?

One of my biggest requests since I started my YouTube Ads Training & Consulting Company 8 years ago is, “Can you run our YouTube Ads for us?”

And up until Now, the answer has been “No” – instead, we focused on Training Entrepreneurs, Marketers & Internal Teams on how to run YouTube Ads using our Strategies – to the tune of Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Revenue.

The Main Reason? I believe the Traditional Agency Model is Broken.

The problem with Traditional Agencies is that they’re Siloed from your Business.

Tell me if this sounds familiar: 

You sign up for an agency & they hand you off to an account rep who somewhat understands your business & somewhat understands paid ads, who then is the middle man between you & the “media buyers” running your ads you never actually get to meet.

And when your ads don’t get the results you were looking for, you’re left wondering… 

“Just Who are these Media Buyers Running my Ads behind the Curtain?”

But in a traditional agency, you don’t get to look “Behind the Curtain” to know who’s running your ads, media buyers swap in & out quickly, and often times you may even have a junior-level media buyer running your ads – without you even knowing!

This has created a lot of distrust between Business Owners & Advertising Agencies – and I believe it’s a fundamental flaw in the Traditional Agency Model that isn’t good for businesses or agencies.

And up until now, that’s why I’ve focused on Training Internal Teams to run YouTube Ads themselves – so they can have someone on their team running the ads for them.

That said, more & more I’ve realized that this model doesn’t work for everyone – some people genuinely do need & want someone to run their ads for them. And at the same time, they don’t necessarily want the ‘old’ type of advertising agencies that have failed them before.

So what’s the Solution?

That is what I asked myself when I came up with a crazy idea…

What if we took our Top Media Buyers & had them work directly with our clients, cutting out the middle-men, had them only work with a few select clients at a time & really deeply understand their businesses to help them achieve their goals?

That’s when it hit me, the best way to do Done-For-You Ads:

A Fractional Media Buyer

Having one of our Top Media Buyers, trained by our team in our cutting-edge YouTube Ads Strategies, directly working with & implementing YouTube Ads for a select few clients.

Establishing a Real Relationship with our Clients & working 1-1 to Achieve the Best Results.

Think of a Fractional Media Buyer as a fractional extension of your team – it’s like having your own Expert Media Buyer part-time.

Instead of an Agency approach where you meet with an Account Manager & never get to peak “behind the curtain” at the media buyers actually running your ads…

You get to work directly with your Fractional Media Buyer so they understand your business, your goals & can work with you to help achieve them!

At the same time, your Fractional Media Buyer is backed by the Top YouTube Ads Consulting Business – AdOutreach, with access to our Team of Copywriters, Funnel Experts, YouTube Strategists & High-Ticket Business Coaches.

Well, 6 Months ago, this was just a Theory…

We launched our first Batch of 8 Fractional Media Buyer Clients over the Summer & it was a huge success – we literally sent an email to 52 of our Top Clients & filled up all 8 spots in a couple of weeks.

Those clients went on to get tremendous results with our Fractional Media Buyers – dramatically improving prior performance & setting out to blast through their goals with a highly skilled media buyer by their side!

3 Months ago I opened up another batch to our Email List & I couldn’t even send a few emails before it filled up. Since then we’ve had a few openings we’ve filled but in general have been on a waitlist.

That said, I’ve seen how powerful this can be for our Clients – so I am excited to shift our focus to scaling up our Fractional Media Buyer offer in 2024!

If you’re a Coach, Consultant, Expert Busines or Course Creator doing over $50k/mo & you want to scale with YouTube Ads – then you should apply to be one of our new Fractional Media Buyer Clients!

Right now spots are very limited & we’re very selective. We’re opening up 8 Spots & the last time we did that was in October, so I can’t promise how long these will last.

If you want to work hand-in-hand with a Fractional Media Buyer to help you achieve your goals in 2024 – Click this link to Apply.

I’m on a Mission to help as many businesses as possible Amplify their Impact & Create a Positive Ripple Effect on the World!

And I know we can do just that with our New Fractional Media Buyer Offer!

I also recorded a quick Loom video breaking down what’s inside our Fractional Media Buyer Offer!

And then Click the Button Below to Apply for a Spot!

Here’s a Quick Loom Video Overview of Our Fractional Media Buyer Offer:

The 5 Best Types of Retargeting Ads for Your Marketing

Now that you know how to Target your leads with Omnipresent Retargeting, you may be asking yourself, “What ads should I run?”

That’s exactly what I want to cover in this section — we’ve found that there are 5 key types of Retargeting Ads and in order to get the best results you need a combination of all 5 types of ads!

In my experience, there are five kinds of OmniPresent Retargeting ads that you should be using:

– Call-to-Action Retargeting Ads (classic retargeting ads)

– Trust Retargeting Ads

– Value and Content Retargeting Ads

– Supercut Retargeting Ads

– Cross-Retargeting Ads.

Let’s break down each of these more in-depth:

Call-to-Action Retargeting Ads

For classic retargeting ads, there are a wide variety of formats you can use, including video posts, images, banners, and more.

As you might imagine, I strongly recommend video ads, but you want your OmniPresent Retargeting machine to reach people all over the place.

In fact, people tell me all the time, “I see you everywhere,” because that’s exactly what I’m doing.

My team and I make sure that we’re getting in front of our ideal client again and again on multiple platforms through multiple media.

Classic retargeting ads are designed to get people to take action and move to the next stage of your funnel, whether that’s signup up for a training, booking a call, becoming a client, or something else.

These ads provide a crystal-clear call to action so viewers know exactly what the next step is.

You’re telling them specifically what action you want them to take and where you want them to go.

Usually, these kinds of ads follow a simple formula:

Rehook > Remind > Entice > Eliminate Objections > Call to Action

Rehook people so you get their attention, and remind them how they heard about you, the content they’ve already received, and what you’re all about. Entice them about why they should take action.

What are they going to get when they take that next step? Then eliminate any objections that you think might be keeping them from taking that next step.

To rehook and remind them, you might say something like this: “You’ve already seen my training on how you can use YouTube ads and how powerful they are.

Now, I want to remind you about the opportunity to schedule a call with my team so you can map out a full video marketing strategy.”

Then you want to entice people by reminding them of the great things they’ll get by taking that next step:

“You’ll meet one-on-one with my top advisors, who will learn more about your business and come up with a customized strategy that shows you exactly what to do to maximize the impact of your video ads on YouTube and scale your business to the next level.”

After that, you need to address and eliminate objections. To do that, think about some of the common objections people have at this stage in your funnel. What are the common reasons why they haven’t fully taken action yet?

For example, let’s suppose a common objection you’ve encountered is that people assume the strategy call is just a sales call. Here’s how you might address that concern:

“Now, you might be thinking, why do I want to book a call if I’m just going to be given a hard sell from a pushy salesperson?

The reality is, this isn’t a sales call. Actually, it’s a forty-five-minute strategy call, and it’s going to be the most valuable call you’ll take all year.

Let me break it down so you know exactly what it’s going to look like. First of all, there will be no pressure, because we’re not just trying to sell you something.

We want to understand your business, goals, and current marketing so we can map out an action plan for your video marketing that you can run yourself (or we can help you with).

At the end, if it feels like a good fit, we’ll also map out what it would look like to work with us, but either way, we want this to be the most valuable call you have.”

As you can see, you are eliminating objections within the ad itself. Finally, provide a clear and concise call to action, like this:

“Now that you’ve seen how valuable this can be, I invite you to click the link right now and book a strategy call with us.”

And that’s it. That’s the framework for a classic call-to-action retargeting ad.

Trust Retargeting Ads

Trust retargeting ads are designed to build trust with people who are already in your funnel. There’s a reason why they haven’t taken the next step with you.

Maybe they don’t fully trust you or what you’re going to provide yet. To address this, show them testimonials, case studies, stories, demos, and results so people can see that what you offer has worked for others. And if it works for others, it will work for them as well.

Of the various options, the best way of speeding up the building trust is through video testimonials, as we discussed earlier.

Value and Content Retargeting Ads

Another important part of your OmniPresent Retargeting machine is to continue providing additional value and content to people on various platforms.

Remember, people on any platform want to be entertained and informed. They are looking to learn and grow, and you can provide ads that will do just that.

Through a steady stream of content, you continue providing value, meeting them where they’re at, and sharing information that they want to know.

If they’re watching YouTube videos and looking to learn, why not share some of your learning lessons?

You could talk about some common misconceptions and mistakes people make or share a few secrets—providing real, tangible value and, at the same time, informing people about what you have to offer.

This is easy for a coaching or consulting business because you can create content and provide more value around your area of expertise, and it cements your reputation as the expert in that space!

Nobody likes the guy or girl who just keeps saying, “Book a call. Book a call. Book a call.” That doesn’t provide any value, and it gets annoying after a while.

If that’s all your OmniPresent Retargeting machine does, then you’ve just going to drive people away.

However, if you provide more value for your ideal client in your retargeting ads, then you’re actually going to build more trust with every video they watch.

At the same time, you’re giving them a little taste of what it will be like to work with you. It shows that you’re not a one-trick pony.

You have more to offer than just what’s in your webinar, training, or initial ads. Viewers are going to think, “If this is what they’re giving away for free, imagine what they’ve got to offer behind the curtain?”

For an eCommerce or SaaS business, focus on the biggest problems your ideal customers are facing and show how you can solve them with your product.

Demonstrate more content and value around those problems and your solutions.

Supercut Ads

The most powerful kind of supercut is one we’ve already talked about: the testimonial supercut.

These kinds of videos are comprised of a variety of testimonials all edited together, one after the other, and they’re incredibly impactful.

You’re taking five- to ten-second clips of client testimonials and stitching them all together according to our testimonial framework.

So, you might have ten seconds of someone talking about how amazing you are and how grateful they are for finding you, and then you might have five seconds of someone saying, “I was on the fence. I wasn’t sure.

But then I took the plunge, and it has changed my life.” Just alternate clips like that from various testimonials to create your supercut, then run it as an ad.

This allows you to showcase different people of different genders, races, ethnicities, ages, backgrounds, countries, locations, situations, industries, and markets benefitting from what you have to offer, which makes it easier to connect with your ideal client.

Everyone watching the video will find someone in your video that they feel drawn to, and it’s going to create a massive amount of social proof that you’re helping all sorts of people.

Here’s a link to a great example of a testimonial supercut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJRw4kLJmkg

Now, there are other kinds of supercut videos you can create besides testimonials.

For example, I have a supercut comprised of clips of me speaking on different podcasts where I share various parts of my story and my journey in educating people. I also have a speaking supercut, with clips of me speaking on stages all over the world.

In fact, you can create a supercut around any form of video content that you have. Edit together a series of clips from thematically related content into a single video, and it’s going to have a huge impact on viewers.

Cross-Retargeting Ads

Finally, you can create ads to cross-promote your other lead magnets. For example, if someone signed up for your webinar, you can promote a training.

In the ad, acknowledge that they’ve already signed up for something before pointing them to something else:

“You’ve seen my webinar, but now I want to invite you to get my free nineteen-page YouTube ad strategy PDF.”

You might also acknowledge that they haven’t become a client yet:

“Hey, I see you took a look at my webinar, but you haven’t signed up yet. I totally get it. You’re really busy.

Well, that’s why I’ve put together a twenty-minute, no-fluff, instant-access training video. Just click the link right here, and you can consume all of my top YouTube ad strategies in a third of the time.”

By acknowledging that they’ve signed up for something and directing them to something else, you create a spiderweb of people downloading and consuming different pieces of content.

Those are the 5 Types of OmniPresent Retargeting Ads!

“The 5 Types of OmniPresent Retargeting Ads” by Aleric Heck

A Glimpse Into Your Future

When you start Implementing the OmniPresent Retargeting Strategy you’ll start to walk into events, rooms & zoom calls and hear “I see you everywhere”

And that is exactly when you know your OmniPresent Retargeting is working & expect to see the lift in client conversions soar at the same time!

I look forward to seeing your OmniPresent Ads!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming This Year:

More Free Trainings & Resources — In your Inbox!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

P.S. If you want to have one of our Fractional Media Buyers run your YouTube Ads For you: Watch this Quick Loom & Fill Out this Application Today!