Today I want to give you my 2024 YouTube Ads Strategy that I’ve been invited to share at some of the Biggest Marketing Events over the last few months!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my “2024 YouTube Ads Strategy”

Along with a Replay of my Keynote at Four Rooms Mastermind

I’ll share My Top 6 Marketing Trends of 2024

Quick Final Sentence about the Email

Alright, let’s Dive In…

2024 YouTube Ads Strategy (Replay of my YouTube Ads Keynote)

Last month, I was invited to give a Keynote at Amber Spear’s Four Rooms Mastermind, where I shared the 2024 YouTube Ads Strategy!

Earlier this month, I was invited to give the same talk at the Traffic & Conversion Summit – one of the Top Digital Marketing Conferences.

I shared one big update — YouTube Ads Strategy has Evolved. And in order to capitalize on YouTube Ads in 2024, you need to know the updated strategies!

Over the last 8 years, I’ve seen a lot change in the world of YouTube Ads & online marketing & this year is no different.

There are major shifts towards more AI-driven targeting — tapping into the algorithms to target your ideal clients.

That said, Most People Get this WRONG.

They think its enough to just do some simple targeting using what Google/YouTube/Facebook/etc. gives them & believe that will get them outsized results.

In reality, that is what everyone else is also doing, so the best you can expect is to get average results.

Instead, the best strategy is to proactively Train the AI Algorithms to know who your ideal clients are — this PRIMES the algorithm & helps it identify your ideal clients and then double down on that as you scale.

You’ve probably noticed how important Prompting is with AI tools like ChatGPT — if you give it a bad or overly simple prompt you’re unlikely to get the results that you want.

Well, it’s the same thing with your Ads — if you just give it some basic or overall broad instructions on who you want to reach, the AI won’t give you the results you’re looking to achieve.

However, if you can be more specific in exactly who you’re looking to target (I’ll cover this inside the video) you’ll be able to train the algorithm to help you achieve what I call “Alpha-AI” results!

This was the big topic of my recent talk at Traffic & Conversion Summit & my Keynote at Four Rooms Mastermind last month!

While Traffic & Conversion Summit’s recordings are available for sale on their site (there are a lot of great talks there), I do have access to the replay of my talk at Four Rooms Mastermind, which I’d love to give you for free!

My 2024 YouTube Ads Keynote Replay:

This Edition of the Marketing Minds Newsletter Is Sponsored By:

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6 Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know About In 2024

You probably already know that the Digital Marketing landscape changes fast & this year it’s moving faster than any other I’ve seen – especially with AI!

I created a full video on my YouTube Channel where I break down the…

Top 6 Digital Marketing Trends for 2024


The Future of Short-Form Videos

Generative AI in 2024

The Rise of Authentic Content (Counter-Rise to AI)

Audience Analysis

The Essential Nature of Analytics Tracking

Video Marketing in 2024

Here’s the link to watch the full YouTube Video so you’re up to date on the latest 2024 Digital Marketing Trends:

It’s Going to be a Big Year for Marketing!

And I’m here to help you take the most advantage of it in this Newsletter!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next:

More Free Trainings & Resources — In your Inbox!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach