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The Keys to a Profitable YouTube Channel

Often times the most profitable channels aren’t the biggest channels at all; they’re the small channels that are hiding in ...
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The 8 Google Ad Campaign Types & Which Is Best for Your Business?

You know I love to talk about YouTube Ads… But what about the other 7 Google Ad Campaign Types you ...
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The 2024 YouTube Ads Strategy

Today I want to give you my 2024 YouTube Ads Strategy that I’ve been invited to share at some of ...
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Our OmniPresent Retargeting Strategy

I still remember the first time someone told me “Aleric, I see you Everywhere” it was at a marketing conference ...
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The Winning YouTube Ad Script Formula

Today I’m going to give you my “Value-Ad” Framework for writing YouTube Ads Scripts that are designed to Convert! After ...
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How to Get Booked on Podcasts & Generate Infinite YouTube Content

Happy New Year! 🎉 I hope you’re having a great first week of 2024! In Today’s Newsletter, I will show ...
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