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Gifts from Santa Aleric 🎅

In the Spirit of Christmas & the Holidays, I want to give you some Gifts to help you Scale & Grow your Business in the New Year!

You see, at AdOutreach we have a tradition where each year we do a Secret Santa Gift Exchange & “Santa Aleric” makes a guest appearance!

Santa Aleric’s Surprise Appearance at AdOutreach HQ in Austin TX!

And to honor the “Santa Aleric” tradition, I want to give you 12 Gifts & Trainings to help you Scale & grow your Business in the New Year!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

12 GIFTS & TRAININGS from “Santa Aleric” to help Scale your Business in 2024!

A Training on the Best Credit Cards to Earn Rewards & Free Travel!

& More Surprises!

Alright, let’s Dive In…

12 Gifts from Santa Aleric! 🎅 

Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

In the Spirit of the Season, I want to give you some Gifts & Trainings that my Elves & I have cooked up for you!

Some of these Gifts you may have seen before & some are new! Enjoy!

The Alpha-AI YouTube Ads Strategy Training 90-Minute Training on our “Alpha-AI” Targeting Strategy for YouTube Ads – Claim Gift

The Complete Beginners Guide to YouTube Ads in 2024 A Full Up to Date 30-Minute Tutorial on YouTube Ads for Beginners – Claim Gift!

The OmniPresent Retargeting Strategy PDF A 24 Page PDF on our OmniPresent Strategy to follow your leads Everywhere – Claim Gift!

The Quick Clients Strategy to Help You Enroll up to 12 New Clients with a Simple Loom Video Script & Email Template – Claim Gift!

The 200M YouTube Ads Strategy PDF our Classic 19 Page PDF that Outlines our Best YouTube Ads Strategies & Frameworks – Claim Gift!

Training on How to Scale Your YouTube Channel with YT Ads A Full Training Video on How to use In-Feed YouTube Ads – Claim Gift!

The Entrepreneur’s Mindset Training A Full 90-Minute Training on the Mindset I Cultivated to Scale my Business to 8 Figures Claim Gift!

The Entrepreneur’s Mindset Journal A Daily Journal Template You Can Use to Cultivate a Winning Entrepreneurial Mindset – Claim Gift!

How to Retarget YouTube Subscribers with Ads Full Tutorial on How you Can Tap into a Goldmine by Retargeting Subscribers – Claim Gift!

The Best Business Cards for 2024 to Travel for Free A Full List of Cards You can Use to Travel for Free – Claim Gift!

Top 10 AI Tools to 10X Your Marketing in 2024 Full Video Breaking Down The Top 10 AI Tools for your Marketing – Claim Gift!

5 Days of Free Access to KeywordSearch AI Ad Targeting Software that Creates Google & YouTube Ad Audiences with AI – Claim Gift!

May these Gifts help you See Tremendous Success in the New Year!

Ho, Ho, Ho!

— Santa Aleric 🎅 

The Best Business Credit Cards to Travel for Free on Points!

I love to Travel, but what do I love even more than Traveling to Amazing Destinations? Traveling for Free with Credit Card Points!

Over the last few years, I’ve managed to “Hack” Credit Card Points & Travel anywhere I want to go by redeeming those points!

As you read this, I am on my way to spend Christmas in Costa Rica with my Family, using Credit Card Points I earned through my business! 🏝️

Even better than spending points on myself is spending them on others!

That’s why I give out a Full Caribbean 5-Star Vacation (Flights & All-Inclusive Hotel) to the “Team Member of the Quarter” every Quarter at AdOutreach!

Now that definitely makes me feel like “Santa Aleric” haha!

Not All Cards are Created Equal — Knowing which cards to use to Earn Maximum Points is key!

There’s even a Card that Earns 4X Points on Ad Spend! Now that adds up!

That’s why I made a Video covering the Best Cards & all the Details!

The Best Business Cards to Earn Rewards!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

I Hope You and Your Family have a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

It’s the Holiday Season that helps remind us how much we have to be grateful for & what life is all about! I hope you & your loved ones have a Happy Holiday Season!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next Week & in 2024!

The “Ripple Effect” of Impact & How that Can Fuel your Passion, Motivation & Growth in 2024!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

Have a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

How to Script a Winning YouTube Ad

Today I am going to Teach you the Science & Art of Crafting Winning YouTube Ad Scripts that are designed to Convert!

And I’ll even show you how to film 24 Ads in the time it takes to film just 2 ½ videos – that way you can split test to find the best winning combination!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my “Winning YouTube Ads Script” Formula

My Software to Maximize ROAS & Target YouTube Ads using AI

How to Film 24 Videos in the Time it Takes to Film 2 ½ Videos

Alright, let’s Dive In…

How to Script a Winning YouTube Ad

We’re going to kick off this Newsletter with my Formula for Scripting a Winning YouTube Ad — regardless of the niche or industry you’re in!

Our team has helped script over 4,000+ YouTube Ads for our clients & we’ve discovered there is a Science & Art to crafting YouTube Ads that convert!

The Winning YouTube Ads Script Formula:

The YouTube “Value-Ad” 🏆

After being on YouTube for over 13 years & running YouTube Ads for the last 8 years I’ve seen a thing or two about what converts & what doesn’t on YouTube.

And the Biggest mistake most Entrepreneurs & Marketers make when they create YouTube Ads is they create ads that lack substance & true value.

How often have you seen an Ad on YouTube that goes like this: “Do you have xyz problem, well
then go sign up for my webinar” – Haha No, Thank You!

Why doesn’t this work? Or at least work as well?..

It’s because there’s no actual value delivered WITHIN the video itself that proves to your ideal
clients that your CTA is actually valuable.

If you have a Webinar or a VSL/Training you’re trying to get people to opt into if you don’t provide some form of value on your YouTube Ad, why should your ideal clients expect you to provide value on your Webinar? Or when they become a Client?

That’s why I’ve created a Simple 3 Step Framework for what I call the “YouTube Value-Ad”

This is the Exact same Framework we’ve helped Thousands of Businesses implement with their own YouTube Ads. And guess what? Across Countless industries, client avatars & even countries – this 3 part framework converts every time.

The 3 Keys to a YouTube Value-Ad:

– Hook

– Educate

– Call to Action

Now let’s break each of these down step by step…

1. Hook:

You want to capture your ideal clients attention at the beginning of your Ad (you probably
already knew this)

But what you may not know is that you also want to DETER people who aren’t your ideal client
away from your video.

This way, you train YouTube’s AI to target MORE & MORE of your Ideal Clients, saving money on ad spend towards people that aren’t a good fit.

There are a few main types of Hooks that you can use in your Videos:

● Pattern Interrupts (Could be a Polarizing Hook that Captures Attention)

● Question Hooks (Starting a hook with a question, such as “What If…”)

● Problem & Solution Hook (Pointing out a Problem and Offering a Solution)

● Funny / Clever Hook (Adding some Humor into the Beginning of your Ad)

● Story / Case-Study Hook (Showcasing Results, Case Studies or Stories)

● Education / Value Hook (Leading with Value from the Start of the Ad)

A few examples of great hooks:

“YouTube Ads Beat Facebook Ads Every Time, let’s face it, Facebook Ad Costs are going through the roof, and Even when you have a great ad, they’re almost impossible to scale. In this video I’m going to show you how you can use YouTube Ads to scale your business to 7-8+ Figures…”

This is one of our Best Performing Ads of All Time, it hits many different points – it starts off with a Pattern Interupt in the form of a bold polarizing statement, backed up by a Problem-Solution hook, hitting pain points about Facebook Ads & then introducing a Solution to their Problem: YouTube Ads.

Here’s another one that’s produced great results for us:

“What if you could Ethically Hijack your Competitors Traffic & Send it Directly into your own Funnel? Well in this video I’m going to show you exactly how to do just that using laser-targeted YouTube Ads”

This is a Curiosity Question-based hook designed to capture attention & then promises to
deliver value throughout the video itself (what we do in the Value-Ad).

Starting off hooks with “What If…” is a great way to spark curiosity & create an open-loop.
(Just make sure to deliver on your promise within the ad)

Other great Hooks Call out a Problem, Call out the Ideal Client, Showcase Proof/Credibility in the beginning and/or start with a more straightforward “How To” style.

After the first part of your hook I always like to continue with the phrase “In this video I’m going to…” to set the stage for the Education section of the video & the Value you’re about to provide!

I recommend creating at least 5 Hooks every time you go to create new YouTube Ads so that you can split test which hooks work best (I’ll share a Pro Tip to record all 5 versions of your ad quickly a bit later on in this post)

Once you have a few great hooks ready to go it’s time for the next section of your ad…

2. Educate

This is the KEY to your “Value-Ad” and the section most Entrepreneurs & Marketers leave out or get wrong.

In order for your ads to convert the best you need to know WHY people are on YouTube to
begin with…

Everyone on YouTube is there for 1 of 2 Reasons:

– To be Entertained

– To Learn

We want to reach the people on YouTube who are looking to LEARN

They’re in what I call the “Learner’s Mindset”

They’re specifically looking to learn about something on YouTube & that’s why they’re watching

That’s why if you just create an ad “Have this problem? Sign up for my Training” it doesn’t work – because viewers on YouTube are looking for Value IN the videos (think about it, you likely consume content this way too!)

It’s all about providing Enough Value on your YouTube Ad to show your ideal clients that you’re
serious about providing Value AND that You’re an expert that can actually help them!

What I usually recommend doing is showcasing 2-5 KEYS within the education section of your ad & provide high-level value & advice that your ideal clients can use to solve their problems.

I like to focus on the WHAT & WHY but not the How

What are the Keys that can help them solve their problem?

And why are these Keys important / Why are they better than what else is out there?

What I love to do is to share 2-5 keys at a High Level (What & Why) and then I say that “I’ll dive
deeper into these on our Webinar/Training”

This provides actual value & then teases the fact that you’ll expand on this value inside the Next
Step (boosting conversions)

3. Call to Action

The key with your Call to Actions are to keep them “Stupid Simple”

You need to make it very clear what the next step is for people to take action after your video & the value that they’ll get from taking that next step.

I like to transition my ads by saying something like “Now that you’ve seen ____, I want to invite you to sign up for my _____ where I’ll dive deeper and show you Exactly how to _____”

This allows you to link the value you just provided with even DEEPER value when someone takes action (especially if the next step is a Webinar or a VSL/Training)

I then also like to say the words “When you click the link right here on the screen you’ll get to a page that looks just like this..”

And then I actually SHOW the page that they’re going to see when they click on the link.

We’ve split tested this numerous times & you often get a low single digit % boost in Conversion rates when you SHOW the next steps from your ad – and it’s not a surprise.

^ This is because you’re able to demystify what’s going to happen when someone clicks the link & you add familiarity to the landing page & exactly what the viewer needs to do to take action.

Also if you’re confused why I’m so excited about a “low single digit % boost” in conversions – that adds up FAST, every few % you can increase your conversions is more conversions with turns into a higher ROAS (return on ad spend)!

After this, I like to reiterate the value they’re going to get from opting into the CTA and finally end with a final invite to “Click the Link” before showing the page a final time to create a “Squeeze” in the video.

You want to leave your CTA up on the screen for at least a few seconds to give slower viewers the chance to click your ad links. (This creates another single digit % increase in conversions, that add up fast!)

How to Film Your Value YouTube Ad: 🎬

This is where a lot of people go wrong, they feel that they need “fancy equipment” cameras or
production gear to create a great YouTube Ad…

But in reality, you have all you need to start with your iPhone Camera (seriously they shoot 4k
these days!) and a $149 Gimbal.

We’ve found that the key with your videos is to be seen as the “Authentic Authority” in your
industry – and a great way to do that is by filming a natural YouTube Ad with a simple setup!

If you haven’t heard of a Gimbal before, it’s an amazing tool that allows you to stabilize your iPhone from moving around while recording videos – this creates a smooth, clean feeling for your videos & paired with an iPhone you can create some high quality footage!

The main one I recommend is the DJI Osmo Mobile 6 from Amazon.

You can either record yourself using this setup (for a natural “YouTube-Style” feel) that converts quite well!

Or you can hand the setup off to someone with you who can record you directly.

(Now in the future, OR if you’re a larger business already, that’s when you can get into more
higher-end production – if/when you do that though, I always recommend making the videos still
have an Authentic & Natural feel by filming either on-location or in an Office/Home Office.

That said you can graduate to higher quality camera equipment, just maintaining the authentic feel. – You almost never want to use a Green Screen or a Big Studio for Direct Response YouTube Ads)

I’ll Even Share Our “Video-Blocks” Strategy to Record 24 Ads in the Time it Takes to Film 2 ½ Videos! ⏳

(Later in the Newsletter!)

That’s How you Create a Winning YouTube Ad! 🏆

We’ve helped our clients write over 4,000+ YouTube Value Ads & they all follow this exact same formula for success!

As always feel free to Schedule a Strategy Call if you want our help with writing your own YouTube Ad Script!

Hopefully, you found this valuable & I can’t wait to see your YouTube Ads!

The “Winning YouTube Ads Script” by Aleric Heck

AI Targeting for YouTube Ads 🤖

Most Business owners & Marketers struggle to achieve the ROl they want with Paid Ads because they’re not targeting their ideal clients correctly.

What if you could use Al to Create an Audience of your Perfect Ideal Client Avatar – and use that to target your ads?

That’s Exactly what I set out to do with my AI Software, KeywordSearch, which has been 3 years in the making!

My CTO & I have spent considerable time, effort & money developing what is now changing the game for any business or marketer advertising on Google or YouTube Ads!

The concept is simple:

Simply Describe your Business using one of our Templates

Click “Generate Audiences”

Our AI automatically Builds you the Perfect Google & YouTube Ad Audiences in less than 30 seconds

Click “Sync to Google Ads”

Your Audiences are inside Google Ads, ready to Run!

It’s seriously that simple!

In fact, we’ve already helped over 15,000+ businesses leverage the power of AI in their Ad Targeting with KeywordSearch!

Recently we ran a study on those users…

The Average time it takes someone to go from typing in details about their business to syncing an ad audience is 2.6 Minutes!!

That’s a serious time saver from the manual work it used to take! (If you know anything about audience research, this can take hours done manually!)

And we’re only getting started – we have much more planned!

Take a look at my video below to see KeywordSearch in Action!

You can sign up for a 5 Day All-Access Free Trial to get your Ad Audience Research done & campaigns off the ground!

If you’re not using KeywordSearch for your Google or YouTube Ads, you’re seriously missing out!

You can now iterate Ad Audiences at lightning speed & build more laser-targeted ad audiences with long-tail keywords, affinities, search terms, URLs & more!

The Future is Now! 🚀

The “Video Blocks” Strategy to Record 24 Ads In the Time it Takes to Film 2 ½ Videos!

Now that you know how to Script Winning YouTube Ads, I want to give you a Strategy that I’ve previously only kept for our top clients.

This Strategy allows you to Film 2 Dozen Video Ads to Split-Test in a fraction of the time!

Now You Know How to Write Winning YouTube Ad Scripts & Target them using AI!

I’m looking forward to seeing all of your new YouTube ads pop up as I watch videos!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value and content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming in the Next Weeks:

The Best Business Credit Cards to Maximize Reward Points & Travel for Free in 2024!

This is going to be a fun one!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

P.S. You Can Sign up for a Free Trial of KeywordSearch, my AI Ad Targeting Software (so you can target your new ads!) using this special link.

How to Retarget YouTube Subscribers with YouTube Ads [Full Tutorial]

Are you sitting on a Gold Mine? If you have a YouTube Channel with more than 1000+ Subscribers, you could be… Because you can Retarget those Subscribers with YouTube Ads and get very cost-effective conversions!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

My Full Training on Retargeting Subscribers with YouTube Ads!

This is a Massive Gold Mine waiting to be Tapped!

My Best Tips for How to Be Confident on Camera

Even if you’re a beginner to filming videos!

& A Special Invitation for a Complimentary YouTube Strategy Call

Alright, let’s Dive In…

Are You Sitting on a Gold Mine? ⛏️

If you’ve got a YouTube Channel with over 1k Subscribers, you could be sitting on a Gold Mine!

That’s because you can easily Retarget those Subscribers, Likes & even all Video Viewers with YouTube Retargeting Ads!

Now I know what you may be thinking…

Why would you run ads to reach people who are already subscribed to you? Won’t they buy anyways?

Not necessarily, as anyone who runs a profitable Retargeting Campaign can tell you!

I guarantee the Majority of people subscribed to Your YouTube Channel haven’t bought anything from you yet… But that doesn’t mean they won’t!

What we want to do is speed up that buying process by getting the Right YouTube Ad in front of your most engaged Subscribers (while excluding those who have already signed up / invested)

This will allow you to Target this Group of People:

YouTube Subscribers

Who Haven’t Signed Up / Purchased Yet

^^ This is a Powerful Group of People & is a Very Warm Audience!

How do you set this up?

You can watch my Full Training for a Free Step-by-Step Tutorial on Exactly how to set up YouTube Ads to Retarget Your Subscribers!

The First Step is to Link your YouTube Channel to your Google Ads Account.

Login to Google Ads

Click “Admin” on the Menu Bar

Choose “Linked Accounts”

Click on YouTube “Manage & Link” from the List

Click the Blue + Button

Follow the Steps to Link your YouTube Channel

Make sure to select “Share Permissions” for all 3 Options (as seen below)

Once you’ve done that, you can then Build an Audience for your YouTube Channel Subscribers which you can use to Target your Ads!

Click on “Tools” in the Menu

Under the Dropdown “Shared Library” click “Audience Manager”

Click the Blue + Button to Create a New Audience & Choose “YouTube Users”

Choose a Name for your Audience Segment – I’d recommend including the date you created the audience for easy reference later

Select Your Channel

Choose Your Targeting Option from the Dropdown (There’s more than Just Targeting Subscribers)

You can select a Time-frame up to 540 Days (which is the maximum)

Pre-Fill the Audience from the last 30 Days (note it will only be retroactive 30 days — this is why the sooner you set this up the better)

Click Continue & Create the Audience!

Now this is just the steps to create a Retargeting Audience for YouTube Subscribers, you can also target YouTube Likes, YouTube Video Viewers & More!

I cover all the different types of Targeting Options & how to set them up in my Full Tutorial Video below.

Now its important to note that Google typically needs 1000+ people in an audience in order for the campaign to run, this means that you may need to start with Video Viewers while your Subscriber audience populates. Especially since it’s only retroactive 30 days.

That said, regardless of whether or not you’re planning to run these ads now, it’s important you get this setup so you can start filling these Audience buckets!

Trust me, Future You will Thank You for setting these up! 💯 

How to Retarget Subscribers with YouTube Ads

Special Invite to Book a Complimentary YouTube Ads Strategy Call with my Team!

Are you looking to Capitalize on YouTube Ads to Scale Your Business in 2024?

I want to invite you to schedule a Complimentary YouTube Ads Strategy Call with my Team to map out a YouTube Ads Strategy 1-1

This is a full 45 Minute, In-Depth Strategy Call where we’ll dive into your business, your goals & map out a Custom Strategy to help you achieve them through YouTube!

Fill out the Quick Application form to see if you qualify & book your call.

Book Your 1-1 YouTube Ads Strategy Call Today –

My Tips on How to Be Confident on Camera

A big question that a lot of people ask me is how to be more Confident on Camera & that’s why I wanted to share my biggest Tips with you Today!

If you read one of my earlier newsletters you may have seen the story where I shared how I almost deleted the first video that earned me over a Million Dollars from YouTube Ads… Because I was embarrassed of how I looked!

Well, after that email, I had a lot of people reach out & ask for my Recommendations on how to be more Confident on Camera & those are the tips I want to share with you today!

Confidence on Camera

What if you could be confident on camera every time you hit record and started to film a video?

Well, this is absolutely possible, even if you’re afraid to be on camera, and in this Newsletter Section, I’m going to show you how.

Actually, feeling and appearing confident on camera isn’t as hard as you think, even if you have stage fright, insecurity about yourself, or a bit of social anxiety.

I know a lot of people who worry about getting on camera because of what they think people will see, or how audiences will judge them.

I want to help you get past those feelings so that, when you’re ready to pick up your phone or camera and hit “record,” you’ll be able to speak boldly and confidently. 

Here’s a little secret: you’re already confident on video, you just don’t know it yet. Don’t believe me? Consider how much of your life you’ve already spent on video. You’ve used FaceTime to talk to people, haven’t you? You’ve hopped on Zoom calls. You’ve probably created videos for friends or family members. And when you do any of these things, don’t you already feel at least somewhat confident and comfortable?

So, people are already seeing you, hearing you, and interacting with you on video.

It may only be your family, friends, and possibly coworkers at this point, but what if you could tap into that same comfort and confidence and transfer it to a wider audience? What if you could feel just as confident talking to a target audience out there in the world as you do when you FaceTime with a good friend?

As it turns out, there are only two things you need to remember.

First, because you’re creating the video, no one needs to see it. Just keep that in mind. As you’re creating the video, remind yourself that you have no obligation to show it to anyone, so if it doesn’t turn out great, you have nothing to fear! 

Second, the best way to show up as an authentic authority is to just talk to the camera. Don’t think about the possible thousands of people who might view it later. You’re not talking to them. Talk to the camera as if it were a good friend of yours.

You already talk to your friends with confidence, especially when you’re sharing something that you’re passionate about. Channel that same confidence as you talk to the camera, and if necessary, pretend like you’re only going to send the video to that one friend when you’re done.

And, as I said, you don’t have to share this video with anyone, if you don’t want to. There’s no pressure at all! After you create the video, you will have a chance to watch it and decide if this is truly something you want to use as an ad.

You are in total control of whether or not anyone else will ever see the video, and knowing that should help you feel more confident on camera. 

Share Your Passion

The next time you pick up the camera to record, I want you to step a bit outside of your regular energy and tone. Embrace the passion that you have inside of you for whetever it is you do!

The camera tends to take away a bit of your excitement and energy, so you want to show up full of enthusiasm as if you’re talking to a friend about something you care deeply about.

Think about the passion you have when you’re talking about something that you really love.

If you’re an expert in some subject, then you’re probably already quite passionate about it. All you need to do now is tap into that feeling. 

Often, people think they have to become a character or pretend to be someone else on camera in order to win over an audience.

That simply isn’t true. You don’t need to be anybody other than yourself, but you need to be the most passionate version of yourself. Let your own energy and excitement flow!

That’s why I recommend speaking to the camera as if you were talking to a good friend, because with a friend, you’re less likely to hold back.

Just before you hit record, play a little mind game with yourself. Imagine you’re talking on FaceTime or Zoom one-on-one with a good friend about your favorite subject.

Tap into that energy and just be yourself. Unleash your true excitement and passion about the topic. And remind yourself that you don’t have to send the video to anyone if it doesn’t turn out amazing. Then hit record.

You’ll come across far better than if you record it with the intention of sharing it with thousands of strangers on YouTube. Now, I’m speaking from personal experience.

If you’ve seen any of my videos, you might assume I’m always confident on camera, full of energy and excitement, but that has not always been the case. As I said in a previous newsletter, I felt bad about my own appearance in my first video ad, and because of my insecurity about my weight, I struggled with the decision to upload it.

Due to its eventual success, I realized I could feel confident about the way I appeared, and even if some people judged me, it didn’t matter.

It just didn’t matter how I looked. All that mattered was that I pushed through my own anxiety and shared what I had to share. And in the end, many people reached out to me because of that video and said they loved my authenticity.

I wasn’t playing a character, putting on a facade, or trying to be who I thought my audience wanted me to be. I was just being myself.

Honestly, I credit much of my early success to being my true self in those early videos. I decided not to be afraid of who I am, and I encourage you to do the same.

After all, that’s what makes you unique. That’s what separates you from everyone else. Only you are you!

A Confident Mindset

As I said, you already have confidence in video, even if you don’t realize it yet. The secret is in how you approach it.

So, the next time you’re about to hit record, take a few seconds to adjust your mindset.

Tell yourself you’re just speaking to a good friend on FaceTime or Zoom. You don’t have to publish the video if it doesn’t turn out just right.

Channel all of the natural excitement you feel when talking about something you really care about with a friend.

Then your natural, confident, authentic self will come across. Embrace who you are, what you look like, and how you sound.

Be you, not anyone else!

When you adopt these Principles you’ll have everything you need to be Confident on Camera!

Confidence on Camera by Aleric Heck

Let’s End the Year with a Bang!

I can’t believe we’re already in December, time is moving fast — and that’s also why now is the time to focus on Ending the Year Strong so you can hit the ground running in 2024!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value & Content Coming your Way every Friday!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming in the Upcoming Weeks:

The Best Business Credit Cards to Maximize Reward Points & Travel for Free in 2024!

This is going to be a fun one!

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

P.S. If you’re planning to run YouTube Ads in 2024, Now is the Time to book a YouTube Ads Strategy Call with our team because we can help you Map out the Best Strategy for your Ads! Book Your YouTube Ads Strategy Call Now

I want to Give You my “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Training & Journal

Last week, for Thanksgiving, I shared the high-level overview of my “Entreprneur’s Mindset” and mentioned that if there was enough interest, I’d give you my entire hour-long Entreprenuer’s Mindset Training for free…

Well, there certainly was enough interest & I am so grateful I have been able to impact so many of you with my email last week! 😁

So this week, I want to give you my full Entrepreneur’s Mindset Training!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my Full “Entrepreneur’s Mindset Training” as a Gift!

You’ll also get my Daily Entrepreneur’s Mindset Journal Template

& I’ll share a Personal Story of the Best Gift I Ever Gave my Mom — To Thank Her for Teaching me to be the “Best Version of Myself”

Alright, let’s Dive In…

My Gift to You

I want to share with you the Full “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Training that I share with all of my clients who enroll in my programs/coaching/consulting.

This is the Culmination of over 300k+ I’ve personally Spent on Personal Development Courses and Coaching for myself over the Past 7 Years

And I want to share that with you!

The “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Training

Over the years, I’ve learned that success in business comes from having the right mindset. 

To help you cultivate this, I’ve prepared two special resources exclusively for you.

First, you’ve got a seat reserved for my full ‘The Entrepreneur’s Mindset’ video training. 

This comprehensive training is a distillation of my experiences and lessons learned over the years. 

It will provide you with valuable insights and tools to navigate your entrepreneurial journey.

You can access ‘The Entrepreneur’s Mindset’ training here! 

Next, I’ve created The Entrepreneur’s Mindset Journal to help you internalize these lessons and track your progress.’ This journal is designed to work hand-in-hand with the training, providing a space for reflection, goal-setting, and growth.

You can Download my Entrepreneur’s Mindset Journal Here as well!

By combining these resources in your routine, you’ll be well on your way to developing the mindset that underpins entrepreneurial success!

As you embark on this journey, remember to be patient with yourself. Entrepreneurial success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Once again, welcome to the next chapter of growth! Together, we’ll make this journey unforgettable!

Rooting for you,


The “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” by Aleric Heck

My Entire “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Training:

The “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Journal

I also want to give you my Entrepreneur’s Mindset Journal as well!

I’ve probably used about half a dozen different journals over the years, but none of them ever felt ‘complete’ with what I was looking for – so I decided to build my own, using the principles I had learned over the years!

That’s where the “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” Journal was born!

Here’s the key Elements:

Start your day with Gratitude!

Write down your Goals (big goals & also goals for month/week/day)

List your Top 3 Key Actions & Outcomes that will make the day a Success for you! (Check these Off during the day!)

A Reminder of the “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” to WIN or LEARN

List your Learning Lessons

List your Wins & Achievements

When you take count for all of these things every day it will keep you grounded in your Gratitude & Goals, as well as focused on Key Actions you need to take, finally reflecting on the Learning Lessons & Wins for the day!

The Best Gift I Ever Gave my Mom – Who Taught me to be the Best Version of Myself

From a very young age, I remember my Mother teaching me to “Strive to become the Best Version of Myself Every Day” 😁

This has shaped the man I’ve become & pushes me to strive to become the best person I can be each day.

Honestly, these were the lessons that I took with me & first inspired me to dive into Personal Development!

The Entrepreneur’s Mindset Training I shared with you above wouldn’t be what it is today without my Mother.

Last year, I had the opportunity to give the best gift I’ve ever given anyone — my Mother had written the manuscript for a Children’s Book about becoming the best version of yourself.

I knew that the world needed to see this book — but she didn’t know what to do next to get it illustrated & published.

Now, coming full circle, I was able to give back to her for all that she’s given me & I was able to help get her book professionally illustrated & published!

A year later & she released the book on Amazon! 🎉

Enough – A Best Self Adventure

A book all about how you are enough as you are and at the same time to strive to become the Best Version of Yourself! 💯

It turned out amazing & it’s incredible to think of the lives that this can impact — with a lesson everyone needs to hear!

I am truly so incredibly grateful to my Mom for all she’s done for me & so proud of her as she shares such a profound message with the world through this new book!

Here’s the link to the book on Amazon:

If you’re able to support the book it would mean the world to me & my Mom! 😁

And always remember to strive to become the Best Version of Yourself every day! 🚀

It’s all about the Entrepreneur’s Mindset

This email was a bit different than my last few, while I love focusing on tactics & marketing strategies (and trust me the next email has a great one you won’t want to miss) It’s also important to help cultivate the right MINDSET

Because without the right Mindset, Strategies fall flat… It would be like building on shaky foundations.

Building an Unbreakable Fortitude and cultivating the Entrepreneur’s Mindset is key to long-term Success!

Stay Tuned for More Great Value and content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming Next Week:

My Full Training on how to Retarget YouTube Subscribers with Ads!

You won’t want to miss this training – it’s Solid Gold!

My Best Tips for How to be Confident on Camera

A Special Invitation

& More!

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

To Show my Gratitude this Thanksgiving – I Want to Give you my Complete Beginners Guide to YouTube Ads!

I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving & got to spend it with Family and Friends!

It’s always this time of year when I take a second to appreciate just how Grateful I am for everything I’ve been blessed with. I’m Incredibly grateful for my Family, Friends, my AdOutreach Dream Team, Clients & of course, all of you!

That’s why I wanted to give you some Extra Special Value today in this week’s edition of the Marketing Minds Newsletter!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my new 34-minute “Complete Beginners Guide” Video on YouTube Ads! (This is a Step-by-Step Guide – For Free!)

I’ll share the “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” that has allowed me to turn Mistakes into Lessons and turn Lessons into Wins and Growth!

You’ll get the Inside Scoop on YouTube’s New AI ChatBot they’re Building! (this one is really cool!)

Alright, let’s Dive In…

This Week’s Value Gift:

Alright, it’s time to ramp the gifts up a notch!

Given that it’s Thanksgiving & I’ve been thinking about how Grateful I am to have all of you here – I wanted to give you something extra special!

I want to give you a brand new 34 Minute Training Video that I made walking through how to set up a YouTube Ad Campaign step-by-step!

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may have noticed that I used to have an unspoken rule… I would never show the inside of a Google Ads account/YouTube Ads set up on a free training or video.

Honestly, I think this was a bit of a scarcity mindset I had around “Revealing too Much” of my secrets/methods — Since then, as my business has grown I’ve realized that you never have to be afraid of giving out too much value!

Because that Value will give back to the Community you build & help people grow — creating goodwill, evangelists & impacting far more people!

And then those who want hands-on help will always seek it out – in our case, that involves booking a YouTube Ads Strategy Call.

So without further ado, I give you my Brand New 34-Minute Training updated with the latest YouTube Ads Strategies:

How to Run YouTube Ads (The Complete Beginner’s Guide)

The ‘Entrepreneur’s Mindset’ I Adopted that’s been the Key to My Success

What would your business & life look like if you never failed again?

Try to imagine it. Try to imagine a future in which you never failed again, where it wasn’t even possible for you to fail.

Well, guess what? As crazy as it sounds, it is possible. The secret is in redefining the way you look at success and failure.

I call it “The Entrepreneur’s Mindset,” and it’s been the key to my success and fast growth.

The Entrepreneur’s Mindset

When you adopt the Entrepreneur’s Mindset, you throw the word “failure” out of your vocabulary completely. In any endeavor, instead of viewing the outcome as either a “success” or a “failure,” you view it as either a “success” or a “learning lesson.”

That might seem like a minor change, but it’s actually a radical transformation in the way you look at the world.

In fact, there are only two ways that you can ever truly fail, and both are totally in your control.

– The first is to give up, which is the ultimate form of failure.

– The second is to not learn anything from an experience when things don’t go your way, which destines you to repeat the same mistakes.

The first “true failure”, giving up, is the more apparent and obvious of the two, but it’s in your control. As long as you’re alive and kicking, only you get to decide whether or not you give up on your ultimate goal or desire.

You may face learning lessons along the way in the form of temporary negative outcomes, but it’s up to you whether you learn from those mistakes or let them become your excuses for giving up. As long as you are alive, you are always in control.

The second “true failure”, the failure to learn, locks you into a negative feedback loop. You make a mistake, but instead of learning from the mistake, you miss the lesson.

While you might avoid the first “true failure” and decide not to give up, if you don’t learn from it, you’re destined to repeat the same mistake or similar mistakes in the near future.

When you make that mistake again later, if you still don’t learn from it, you might make it a third time, and a fourth, and a fifth.

The more times you make the same mistake, the more discouraged you become, and over time, you get closer and closer to giving up.

To escape this negative feedback loop, you have to make sure you learn from every mistake, disappointment, or unfortunate outcome.

When things don’t go the way you hoped, when a decision turns out to be the wrong one, you can use it to contribute to your long-term success.

And actually, I would argue that a mistake you learn from is more valuable than a success you don’t learn from.

^^ Re-read that last sentence and think about it for a minute.

Having said that, it’s important that you not only learn from your mistakes but that you also learn from your successes as well. That way, you can avoid mistakes, and you’ll be more likely to repeat successes.

This can be summed up as an “Always Learning” state of mind.

When I approach a business, I like to put myself into that always learning mindset, which says, “How can I learn from every action I take and every outcome I produce?”

After all, what is long-term success built out of? It’s built out of the knowledge you’ve accumulated along the way about what works and what doesn’t work.

When you view it that way, every “mistake” becomes simply another step taking you closer to the outcome you hope to achieve, because it adds to your knowledge about what it’s going to take to reach your long-term goals.

So how do you ensure that you never fail again? Simple.

You realize that you are in full control of whether or not you truly fail. You decide whether or not you’re going to give up. You decide whether or not you learn from both your successes and mistakes.

You get to decide.

That doesn’t mean mistakes won’t happen, or that things will always go your way, but no matter what happens, you’ll be prepared with the knowledge that each outcome—whether it be a success or mistake—is a learning lesson that will propel you closer and closer to your goals and desires!

That’s the Entrepreneur’s Mindset & adopting it can Transform your Business!

The “Entrepreneur’s Mindset” by Aleric Heck

I actually made a 90-minute Training on the Entrepreneur’s Mindset that I’ve previously only shared with Clients, if you want me to share that with all of you, click “Reply” on this email & let me know!

The Site I can’t live without on Black Friday!

Alright, it’s Black Friday & you know what that means — lots of deals & shopping opportunities for Christmas & the Holidays!

(It also means a big Opportunity for Profits as Business Owners!)

You may know I love Credit Card Hacking, in fact, I’ve got over a Dozen Business Credit Cards & earn enough points to almost never have to pay for my own travel! (Stay tuned because I’ll share a training on this soon)

I also love finding sites & tools that help me earn points/cash-back, my favorite site for that is Rakuten – and right now they’re running a crazy promotion for 10-20%+ Cash Back on almost all Major Online Stores for Black Friday!

The way it works is you shop like you normally would on Black Friday, but you just start with the Rakuten site & click the easy cash-back links to each store, and that will activate your Cash-Back.

If you want to check it out I’ll drop a link!

We’re also running a special Black Friday promotion for AdOutreach – with a Big Discount on our All-Access YouTube Ads & Video Marketing Course Membership + our KeywordSearch Pro Plan (my AI Ad targeting Software) If you’re interested, you can Check out our Black Friday Sale Here.

YouTube is Testing a New AI ChatBot for YouTube Videos! 🤖

YouTube has announced that they are testing a new AI ChatBot that will allow you to ask their AI about the videos you watch!

You’ll be able to ask it to:

– Summarize a Video for You

– Answer Questions about a Video

– Recommend Related Videos & Content

– Provide more Context for a Part of a Video

– And Even Quiz you on the Contents of a Video!

Imagine the Possibilities when AI is incorporated right alongside every YouTube Video you watch!

Right now, this is a limited Beta & Google just announced it, but it will be exciting to see how this evolves & what it looks like when they roll it out!

Here’s a Picture YouTube shared that showcases what the ChatBot will look like:

More Value Headed Your Way Next Week!

I hope you found today’s Newsletter Valuable — I also hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving & get to spend some time with your Family & Friends this weekend!

I am grateful to have you here as a part of the Marketing Minds & AdOutreach Community!

If you have feedback on these Newsletters, Hit Reply & let me know! 😁

And of course, Stay Tuned for More Great Value and content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming in the Next Few Weeks:

How to Retarget Your YouTube Subscribers & Viewers with the “Gold-Mine” YouTube Ad Retargeting Strategy

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The Latest AI Tools & Software that we’re using inside our Companies to 10X Productivity (I keep my finger on the pulse of AI – so you don’t have to!)

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

P.S. We’re running a special Black Friday promotion for AdOutreach – with a Big Discount on our All-Access YouTube Ads & Video Marketing Course Membership + our KeywordSearch Pro Plan (my AI Ad targeting Software) If you’re interested, you can Check out our Black Friday Sale Here.

How to use YouTube Ads to Grow Your YouTube Channel (The Right Way)

Alright, the pressure is on, Marketing Minds Newsletter #2 — and I can feel the importance of this email. I almost feel it’s the 2nd email that really sets the tone of a Newsletter — and shows you what you can expect long term.

So that’s where I am ready to step up to the plate & deliver for you once again; I’ve got an email jam-packed with value – just waiting for you to dive in!

As a Reminder, Our Goal with this Newsletter is to Give You the Highest Level of Value Possible. That’s my Promise to you & I intend to Over-Deliver!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at What’s Inside This Email:

I’ll give you my Step-by-Step Training on How to Use YouTube Ads to Grow Your YouTube Channel using In-Feed Ads (Like Fuel on a Fire)

I’ll share the Story of How I Almost Deleted the first Video that Made me Over a Million Dollars (and what that taught me about Confidence on Camera & being an “Authentic Authority”)

You’ll get access to a Raw & Unfiltered 2 Hour Interview where I share my Journey of Scaling my Business to 8 Figures

And I’ll share the Best Teleprompter App that I use to Record my own Scripted Videos

Alright, let’s Dive In…

How to Use YouTube Ads to Grow Your YouTube Channel (The Right Way)

One of the biggest questions I get asked when people discover that I’m a YouTube Ads Expert is, “Can you use YouTube Ads to grow a Channel?”

And the answer is Absolutely BUT you have to ensure that you set those ads up the right way (and use the right type of ad for YouTube Channel growth)

You see there are different types of YouTube Ads & they work differently depending on the goals you have.

VAC (Video Action Campaign) YouTube Ads run as mostly “In-Stream” Ads on YouTube – these ads appear in front of other YouTube Videos & are skippable after 5 seconds. These are also the “Classic” type of ad you probably think about when I say “YouTube Ads”

These In-Stream & VAC style ads are great for driving Direct Response Conversions on sites off of YouTube. For instance driving traffic to a Lead Magnet, Webinar, Training or even a Product directly.

That said, these types of ads are actually bad for scaling a YouTube Channel & in fact, when used incorrectly, can actually harm the growth of a YouTube Channel.

That’s because one of the super-powers of In-Stream ads is also it’s downfall for channel growth — the ability to skip the ad after 5 seconds.

The issue is if you have this type of skippi g happening on a public YouTube Video it can actually Harm your channel’s average Watch Time – which is one of YouTube’s most important Metrics!

That’s why we always recommend to run a Classic In-Stream YouTube Ad as an Unlisted Video – so it doesn’t harm your channel’s watch time & stats.

^ This is also why YouTube Ads get a bad wrap from a lot of the Organic YouTube Experts out there – this is the only type of ad they know & they’re afraid of it’s ability to harm watch time.

That said, there is another type of YouTube Ad – one that is designed to help GROW a YouTube Channel & actually simulate someone naturally finding a YouTube Video on their own (but as a Sponsored Ad).

And that Ad Type Is:

“In-Feed” YouTube Ads – These are ads that appear in YouTube Search Results & alongside other YouTube videos as “Suggested Videos” – and then when people click the ad they go to the Video Watch Page as they would had they just discovered the YouTube video organically

This type of ad allows you to get your YouTube Videos to the Top of the Search Results & as a Top Recommended Video — and when done the right way this type of ad can dramatically Increase your Channel Viewership, Subscribers & Growth!

What we’ve found is these types of ads, when setup correctly not only directly drive more viewership & subscribers to your channel, but they can also Increase your Video & Channel’s Watch Time which can help your channel increase it’s Organic Reach as well!

Essentially putting Fuel on the Fire of your YouTube Channel!

How to Scale YouTube Channels with In-Feed Ads (For as Little as $5-10/day)

I want to give you a Free Training on How to Run In-Feed Ads to Grow Your YouTube Channel 📈

This is a Complete Beginners Guide on the Exact Strategy I use to scale YouTube Channels (for ourselves & clients) using a specific type of YouTube Ad that simulates naturally discovering a video on YouTube: In-Feed Ads!

Unlike In-Stream Ads, which appear in front of other videos on YouTube, In-Feed ads appear in Search Results, in the Home Feed & alongside other videos as “Suggested Videos” on YouTube — and lead directly to your watch page!

This simulates someone discovering your videos & when you do this the right way, this can add fuel to the fire of your channel to help it grow far faster than it would organically ⛽️

Now it’s important you follow the right strategy because when running ads to videos on your channel there are risks — you need to make sure you watch your Watch-Time & retention carefully & target the right people so your retention is high & your views compound.

I created an 18 Minute Step-by-Step Tutorial that I previously only shared with our Consulting Clients, but I want to share with you for free over on my YouTube Channel! 😁

I’ll post the link in the comments (for the algorithm) — and all I ask is if you find the video valuable drop a “Like” on that video!

I’ve already had someone tell me they “doubled their viewers overnight” & increased their average retention watch time by 55 seconds! (which is a strong signal for YT to promote the video more)

If you want to check it out — link is below! 🚀


The YouTube Ads In-Feed YouTube Channel Growth Strategy by Aleric Heck

Watch the Full In-Feed YouTube Ads Guide:

I Almost Deleted the First Video that Earned Me Over a Million Dollars…

Six years ago, I almost deleted the first video that ultimately made me over a million dollars before it ever saw the light of day.

The honest truth is, I didn’t want to publish it. Why? Because at the time, I was fifty pounds overweight and self-conscious about the way I looked.

Back then, because of my busy schedule & focus on growing my then-early business, I rarely exercised and also developed some unhealthy eating habits.

Up until then, my weight wasn’t on full display because I was always behind the camera, either literally behind the camera on my YouTube Channel AppFind, where it was really only my voice & hands that were in the tech tutorial videos, or I was behind the scenes of our clients running their YouTube Ads.

That said, as I saw more & more success, I decided it was time to create a powerful new YouTube Ad for myself, and as I recommended to our clients, I was going to be the star of the ad & feature my expertise in the video.

The content of the video itself was great – it followed our full framework (Hook, Educate, Call to Action), but when I watched it back, I hated how I looked on camera.

I really wanted to delete the video and hide all evidence that it had ever existed, but after a furious internal debate, I finally decided not to. I published the video anyway and ran it as our core YouTube Ad driving to our Webinar.

It’s a good thing I did because it was the best YouTube Ad I’d developed for myself up until that point, and I ended up scaling it to over 550,000 views, tens of thousands of leads, and over a million dollars in client revenue!

It’s surreal to think about what I would have missed out on if I’d let a lack of confidence hold me back.

Now, I’ll be brutally honest: I didn’t look great on camera in that video, but it doesn’t matter. I showed up as an authentic authority, spoke confidently, and viewers responded.

You see, it doesn’t matter who you are, what you look like, how you sound, or how little experience you have in front of the camera. All that matters is that you show up as your Authentic Self.

Despite all of your insecurities and self-criticism, the fact is you have unique gifts, talents, and great things to share with the world!

And that’s what I want to empower you to do as well!

Authentic Authority

Everyone faces a degree of self-doubt in some area of their life. It’s whether you let that control your actions that define your success.

Part of being human is that we all have differences, and sometimes we can be hyper-aware of those differences, especially when putting ourselves out there. But those differences are what make you authentically you!

Whatever your age, race, gender, nationality, accent, or appearance, what matters most is that you show up as yourself, speak from the heart, and share your knowledge, experience, and expertise authentically with authority. 

Providing value and leading with confidence in what you’re sharing is the key to becoming an authentic authority in your chosen space.

Maybe that seems easier said than done. After all, how exactly does someone become “authentic?” It’s a question I get asked all the time, and the answer is simple.

You already are authentic. You just need to allow yourself to be seen for who you are by being the real you!

Don’t try to be somebody else. Don’t try to look, act, or sound like somebody else—your uniqueness is your authenticity, and it’s what makes you special. 

We’ve all seen videos of people pretending to be something they’re not, and you can usually see right through them. The videos tend to feel fake, “salesy,” and forced. They’re off-putting to viewers and ultimately don’t build trust. While they may get results in the short term, they sacrifice the long term. 

The best way to ensure that you come across as authentic is to approach the video as if you were sharing your expertise or knowledge with a close friend. With close friends, we tend to be more comfortable in our own skin. We don’t put up walls or try to be someone else.

For me, that means not being apologetic that I’m a bit nerdy. I love business, I like numbers, I’m a big fan of escape rooms (I’ve done more than 100 of them!), and I have an intense passion for video and video marketing—I let all of that shine through because that’s who I really am. 

I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners, and I love helping them tap into the best and most authentic versions of themselves so they can get out there and share what they know.

To get to the best and most authentic version of yourself, you first have to let your guard down.

Peel back the layers, take down the walls you’ve put up.

When you provide genuine value in a genuine way and let your authentic self shine through in your videos, your ideal client will respond positively to your content and come to trust you!

How to Build Your Confidence on Camera & Be the Authentic Authority

Raw & Unfiltered 2-Hour Interview where I share my Journey of Scaling to 8 Figures

A couple of months ago, I sat down with Brad on his Podcast “Beyond a Million” to share the raw & unfiltered journey that I had building AdOutreach into an 8-figure business over the last 7 Years.

I also share some of my Best YouTube Ad Strategies and Hacks – so make sure you’re ready to take some serious notes!

Most podcasts I’ve gone on haven’t gone as deep & are often time-limited, so it was great to dive in & share the unfiltered journey – and I want to share that with all of you as well!

The Best Teleprompter App that I use to Record My Scripted YouTube Videos

With the story I shared earlier about being Confident on Camera, I thought it was fitting to also share the Teleprompter App that I use when I’m filming Scripted YouTube Videos & Ads!

Now, it’s worth noting that not all of my YouTube Videos and ads are fully scripted. I actually love to do some of my videos as Outlines/Bullet Points that I film more “on the fly” – that said, when I want to make sure I get the scripting exactly right, I turn to a Teleprompter app!

After testing literally dozens of Teleprompter apps, I found one that I consistently return to & use – as well as the one we recommend to all of our clients.

I personally use the App Teleprompter Premium (this is not sponsored or an affiliate link; I just love the app, haha)

The thing I love about Teleprompter Premium is that it has multiple different ways you can use the app – you can use it to control a teleprompter on a full camera setup (with a teleprompter device from Amazon & an iPad with the app)

Or even use the app to film videos using your iPhone & the Teleprompter appearing on screen alongside a mirrored video of yourself – this makes it easy to film Gimbal-Style YouTube Ads!

You can also control the Teleprompter easily with a second device or adjust the speed of the scroll to your desired timing. Also adding in new documents is much easier than other apps I’ve tried since it works with Microsoft & Google Doc formats easily.

Many of the apps I tried up until this point had some features, but lacked others, I’ve found Teleprompter Premium to be the most robust & makes it easy to record videos quickly!

Hope you find this valuable next time you film a scripted video!

More Value Headed Your Way Next Week!

I hope you found today’s Newsletter Valuable — I want to really get a great Mix of Trainings, Learning Lessons, Personal Stories & Tools/Apps that you can use to help be more successful at Marketing & Business!

If you have feedback on these Newsletters, Hit Reply & let me know! 😁

And of course, Stay Tuned for More Great Value and content Coming your Way!

Here’s a Sneak Peak at What’s Coming in the Next Few Weeks:

How to Retarget Your YouTube Subscribers & Viewers with the “Gold-Mine” YouTube Ad Retargeting Strategy

The Entrepreneur’s Mindset that I adopted that helped me Scale to 6, 7 & ultimately 8 Figures in my Business (with a Mindset Training Video)

Real Case Studies & Examples of the Marketing Funnels that Scaled Coaching Businesses past 7 & 8 Figures

The Latest AI Tools & Software that we’re using inside our Companies to 10X Productivity (I keep my finger on the pulse of AI – so you don’t have to!)

The REAL on-the-ground insights into what’s going on in the Online Marketing & Coaching/Consulting/High-Ticket Industry (Based on our Insights working with Thousands of Clients)

The Latest YouTube Ad & Marketing Strategies as we Discover Them – So that you’re Always on the Cutting Edge

Guest Articles, Videos & Podcasts from the Top Marketing Minds of Today — Stay tuned for some exciting announcements around this 😉

And a LOT More…

I’m serious when I say I want this to be The Most Valuable Newsletter You’re Subscribed to — Look out for us in your Inbox Every Friday!

I’ll see you in the next one!

To Your Success,

– Aleric Heck | Founder & CEO of AdOutreach

Download our Alpha-AI YouTube Ads System PDF Here

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